Jul 2, 2009

Something NEW

Check out this photo

Yeah it looks like Quasimoto! I wasn't trying to make it look real, I just put a piece of Greg there to cover Cha's face. (since you don't approve of this photo Cha...) heehee!

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I've just been away... visiting some cool Toronto-ites! teehee! Thanks Lainey, Andre, Ana, and Tasha for letting us come over and entertaining us! We had a F-U-N time! :) A big THANK YOU from the FOTO family! heheheh!
I wish I had taken photos... sigh* next time.. he-he!
Gosh....I have so much to write about, but I know that ppl get bored! (including me! yaha!)
If you want details, just ask me and I'll try writing you. No promises. heh.

Anyway these are pics from Canada day! (you can practically tell what canada day is just by the name and pictures!) We watched a sweet little parade, then went to a friend's home and watched the fireworks. I like fireworks, so relaxing and purrrrty! So enjoy the photos! The first photos are of the parade (nobody you know is in them!)--just a warning. ;)


KILTS!!! hahah..aha...ha..

Okay who agrees with me when I say clowns are SCARY? they are ok?...!

I love horses!
Saddest baby in the world! haha!

Brian's getting skinny! seriously! awww

Oh look this face is just for you Jonny! hahaha juuuust showing you that I still make this face! oh yeah! lol I know... I look kind of freaky in this photo! oh well

3 commentos:

Chacha said...

whoowhoo!! if I were a boy wouldn't I be such a stud muffin?!
so gross Len

lofty said...

lol good stuff look delish el

Elena said...

No Cha... actually.. you'd look like a... something not of this world.

thanks mr. lofty! ahhaha!