Oct 31, 2009


Yes, I've been sick.
I had all my bags packed and I was ready to go. The morning of the day that I was going to head off for Markham, I was awaken by my Mother's loud voice, telling me how much she'll miss me and for me to wake up and clean my room so my lovely sister could move in. Sweet mama. I thought that maybe I had gotten the massive headache that I was feeling and red watery eyes from morning tiredness, and maybe my body was aching so much because I had been raking all the day before. But no, I soon discovered it was, yes, a fever. Wasn't too bad, 39 1/2 C. My sweet brother Greg was so kind to bring it home from school. nyahahah love ya Greg! :p So I was quarantined to my room and became "unclean." *sigh*
The Lord works in mysterious ways though eh?
The fever allowed me to....

  • See my sister Lixy and have some good talk times
  • Eat the oishi Japanese goodies she brought for us
  • Dress up and have a princess party for Annie
  • And get TWO bye-bye parties... kinda/sorta
So that was berry fantastico. We're all happy and healthy now and in tip-top shape. I hope.
Aaaaand I think I'll be leaving now. G'night to all.

Oct 28, 2009

The Story of the Monkey

One day a very happy monkey was playing in his Auntie's room.

The auntie found the monkey playing on her bed and thought he looked a little too mischievous.

So she decided to pick him up, but the monkey didn't want her to pick him up, so he began crying and calling out to his mother monkey.

Mother monkey heard his cries and (after some hours) came to his rescue and swooped him off his two tiny feet.

Look at his smug face...cheh...

This baby is such a handfull... hehe! I'll miss him though. This will probably be my last Jason post in a while. Sawwy!

Oct 26, 2009

Me and Greg

Playing basketball. Just some brother and sister bonding time. ha!
Words of advice, if you ever decide that you want to play basketball against Greg, I suggest you shouldn't. He's pretty much the biggest cheater in town. You can see in the photos that he likes to hold your arm or leg if he doesn't get the ball. lol!
These are a little old, maybe around the beginning of this month, when Greg actually came home from school or wouldn't stay in his room all afternoon. nyaha~!
Anyhow...check out Greg's faces, they're hilarious.

Oct 23, 2009

I Figured it out!

Since none of you had any advice to tell me on how to put the Youtube vids on my blog (I believe I have asked for advice before... thanks ppl! heh), I found it out for myself! *clap clap clap!* Woohoo! I'm posting a random video. This one is JUST for Mari, and maybe all you other sexy thangs. But when I see the mouse, I think of Mari-be. hehehe! Oh yes and please pray for Mari, she has an eye sty, though she still looks cute as ever. Love you Maz!

Oct 22, 2009

Can anybody say Chinese food??

Yesterday sweet sweet Mommy and Papsi took us all to a Chinese Buffet--the food was Heavenly.

Before you go on, here's a story for you about this place that took place a while ago. Remember those photos at the Chinese Buffet with the pretty lady in the red shirt? (That's you Tasha!! hehe) Well this is a different restaurant, we were orginally gonna go to this one. We had entered and had already sat down, gotten water, when some of us realized that the buffet selection was so small and the atmosphere wasn't really the bestest. Although I protested, we all got up and left the poor tiny place, and I was SO embarrassed. Since it was so tiny and quiet, everybody noticed us leave.
I was like, "This is so embarrassing, I don't think I could ever come back here."
So when I heard we were going to come back with my family, I kinda groaned inward. (I know... pretty lame--you wouldn't understand the embarrassment unless you were there)
But it was worth it! The food was SO tasty and delicious! I'm getting hungry just thinking of it.

Anyhow enjoy the photos of us stuffing ourselves.

The happy eaters!

Greg Got lucky with his fortune cookie and got a bunch. I told him to pick out his favorite...

Cha was very satisfied with hers and went to Joe and said, "So... what are you gonna give me this week?" And Jason... well... Jason's cookie was empty.

Cha found the waribashis (Disposable Chopsticks) and decided to swipe some in her shirt. And guess what? They were JAPANESE! Irashaimase!!

After everyone was stuffed (Jason had a huge belly) I looked over and there was my sister, eating more chicken.

It was GOOD food!

My fortune... what will happen this Friday ehhh??

Despite the solemn faces, we were very happy at the end.

This was my dessert...!

It is my time to hit the sack. I will definitely dream of eating the oishi food all over again. Goodnight!

P.S. Don't mind my very plain face.

Oct 21, 2009

Dear Jesus

Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
Ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see.

I like this song--and it's stuck in my head. Must be a good thing, because right about I need His eyes so that I can see....

Oct 20, 2009

Just the Daily News

A few days ago I heard the surprising but awesome news that (yes I'm sure you heard) my oldest sister LIXY is coming to the tiny town of Marmora next week. We are stealing her from Japan. hehe.
I can't wait to see this sister of mine and give her the biggest hug out there! Life just got that much better. I am a happy hippo. It's just sad that I'm not gonna be there for the first two months, but I'll still see her during the two months so it's all good.

Yes that's right, I'm going to the Markham home soon. I definitely can't wait! I will be sure to bring my junky little camera with me so I can snap photos of the lovely people there and keep you updated on what I'm up to. But I can't promise I'll be faithful to this blog. I know some people will be expecting to see updates, one in particular *cough* Cha *cough*... haha! It'll actually be the first time in a long time that we can actually post about different things without worrying we're gonna post the same photos and say the same things. Isn't that right Cha? lol.
This is actually going to be the first time away from my family for more than one week. LOL! Wow, I don't get out much (in that sense) do I? Not that it's really my fault...muahaha! Well I'll leave you now and go bask in my happiness.

P.S. Halloween is coming up and I look forward to be taking plenty of photos. I will be sure to post about it.

Oct 18, 2009

Dance Practice

I finally figured out how to get smiles on their faces when teaching them the dance. Tensai desu!
Then again, the ears brought out Willy's animal side and Annie's evil side, but at least they danced for once.

Oct 17, 2009

It's Jason time

I caught some cute videos of Jason and thought I'd share it with you who care. ;) He's such an adorable nephew, even though he's such a rascal. He's starting to copy words you say. He ALWAYS says please by clapping his hands, and when you say, "yes Jason?" he shakes his head incessantly. But I love this boya to bits. I'll leave you with these videos.
Enjoy. ;)

Oct 15, 2009

To the 21 obasan

To my crazy, happy, funny, silly, friend Mika, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
You' waay... not 21?? Oba-san da~! haha! Gee, I miss you so damn much. My partner in crime. (you know what I mean, CJ a.k.a. cuties, same flavor of pretzels, etc.) I can remember when we first saw you and Mari, Cha and I always thought you were "too cool" for us. hahaha!! You were also taller than me, but who's the cool taller one now EH? tehe, joke! You're still the bully: four hours, lenlen-be, yeah definitely. Now you're just a busy girl, working 24/7, with a terrible internet connection. No good Miks. You don't even have time for Cutie. tsk tsk! heheh!
I miss you trying to harmonize with my singing at karaoke, even though it'd be so annoying cause you wouldn't know the key and you'd go off. HAHA! But I loved that you weren't shy and you'd always sing with me while busking, even though you had a cold. Bubbly, You've got a friend, silent night...! Also you and your jinxes, maji de I think they worked. Particularly for billiards. haha! So many good laughs with you.
You'd better visit us in Canada, and it better not be only a week. That's just a waste of money. haha but if so, then we'll have to make it the best week ever. I hope your birthday will be one full of... cuties? Don't be grumpy, have an awesome day, and I hope your wish comes true.
I'm posting a tiny bit of photos so please don't kill me. Some are back in the day, so you can't really get mad at me right? Well I was gonna post tons... but I love you so I won't.
愛しているよ!頑張れ~!Mikaちん超大好き!MISS YOU!!! xoxox

Oct 13, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

As you know, in Canada thanksgiving is celebrated a month before the US celebrates it, so I get to spend it with my family and eat a lot of oishi turkey.
I'm thankful for everything and everyone in my life. When you think about it, the things we find to complain about are pretty small in comparison to the things we can find to be thankful about. Going outside and looking at the gorgeous colors and breathing in the fresh air pretty much makes me happy. It's just refreshing. Yesterday I was outside and decided to try to "capture" the beauty of nature, but with my junk little camera it didn't really do nature justice. ahaha! But I'll show you anyways. Don't laugh okay? Oh and the last one I took while we were driving, that's the "green slimy" river we swim in... ha-ha-ha. (It's not slimy... ) But the colors are awesome no?
Hopefully I'll remember to take pictures tonight of our thanksgiving dinner. woohoo! But for now I'm going to exercise so I can eat with a good conscious. heh.