Mar 29, 2010

Me and My Po

Haha I found these webcam pictures that were taken awhile ago. Aw I love this little baby. He's so pooch! I actually kinda miss spending time with him...I've been a busy little bee. Sorry. I've been working a lot, and when I'm not working I'm either sleeping or doing school. Sucks huh? But hey, I'm looking forward to the summer. Saving up money for summer actually... I still don't know what's going to happen, but I hope to find that out soon--after I talk with a certain someone. *AHEM!*
It bothers me when I don't know the future, when I can't make plans because I need to know certain things first and I also don't know where to begin. So many questions are going through my head right now and I don't have any answers for them. It's funny how the questions make sense in your head, but when you put them to words they just make no sense. As you must know by now, I'm not one with words and I don't know if I ever will be. I'm also not one to put my thoughts on my blog, so I think I'll stop here before I shoot myself. hehe.

Anyway, I was trying so hard to make him smile and finally, when I squished his cheeks together, he started laughing. I love him!

I look a bit too happy. Don't mind me!

Mar 27, 2010

007 night

I know these are posted all over facebook, but I also know that some of you don't have facebook. So I'm posting them here for you! Also there's like two or three that haven't been posted on facebook too. The theme was James Bond and his Bond chicks. I know... I don't look like one! heh. Anyway I'm really tired because I just got back from work and I'm sure you don't want to hear about all that. So I'll leave you with all these photos. Love ya!

Mar 25, 2010


Happy Birthday to You!!
oh my gosh.... can't believe it was one year ago that we were all chilling out, spending our last days in Japan with you guys. I hope this year will be the best one yet! I'm sure you're having fun with kenken... of courseeee you would be having more fun if I was there. haha! I never thought I'd see the day when I said this but, I miss you! I miss busking with you, riding home while you and Greg sing at the top of your lungs, having our chillaxed walks, punching you, etc etc. Those were the bestest days.

(Can't forget beating you at My Heart Will Go On in karaoke. heehee)

You'd better come visit us like you promised. OR ELSE!

Don't be too busy working and die. I mean, I guess when I was there you were already pretty busy bothering me. Don't worry, I forgive you for all those times. I think.

I hope your wishes come true. If so maybe next time I see you you'll be way taller than me. HAHA! Kidding kidding. Miss you Ivy. Take care of yourself hai? Love you! xoxoxoox

Mar 19, 2010

My pal


I love spending time with my neph (sometimes... heehee). He's so pooch. Every time he says "na-na" it melts my heart. He has this thing for smelling my candle, so I gave it to him during potty time. And he has the cutest feet. Nap times are my favorite times cause I get to cuddle him and he slowly falls asleep to my singing. *sigh* I'm in love!

Mar 14, 2010

Some things I miss

Chu-his! I love them. I miss them. Enough said. *sob*

Onsens! Ahhhhhh! Cha reminded me of onsens and now I can't get them out of my mind. CHA!

OFURO MONKEYS! Well I can't say I miss them, but I just thought I'd let you all know that I love their ugliness. cuuute.

I miss seeing everybody there, looking forward to those good ol' Fridays. I miss waiting for Dan to pick us up and going to Trial and buying all the munchies we could afford. I loved loving cuties with Mika.

And of course, 7-eleven onigiris.

I miss going to out and seeing ppl dressed like this and thinking that that's normal.

I miss taking 5 min walk to Ones Mall to take purricurras, eating at Mac, etc.

Most of all I miss them.

Mar 11, 2010

Remember this

And I have my reasons for not posting in a while! It's because I've been working at the restaurant. It's actually fun, and I need to start learning how to cook--for Lixy.
To Lixy: please forgive me for my laziness, I'll try to do better okay?
I'm also thinking of buying a new little camera. Oooh I'm excited. lol! (You should be too)