Apr 14, 2010

I love it

The translations are a bit off... but oh well! heehee.
Gotta love Japanese humor! hahah "ah itai jyanai desuka?" <--- that's Mika! tehee.. kidding.

Apr 12, 2010


Here's me--all happy after a good day of shopping.

Here's another one.

And now I have to prepare my heart to wake up at 6 AM. haha! Goodnight.

Apr 9, 2010


I was telling myself today, "I wish I had something solid in my life...something reliable" and I realized that, I do! I have the one that I've been slowly forgetting with our busy life. I thought that I could rely on my friends, or even family, to understand different things, to give me advice that will give me peace--to be there. But even they can't (not every time). Or maybe it's that I've pushed them away and hid my true feelings. I don't know. But one person I can always rely on is the Lord. I don't even have to say anything and he understands. I feel peace when I think of Him. Maybe some guilt because I've been neglectful, but the feeling doesn't last long. I know that I have a lot of NWO's, and this home has been slowly falling apart and I'm not making an effort to help keep it together. But I'm going to start. I'm going to get off my lazy ass and help out with the kids and make home life fun. I'm gonna study more diligently. I'm going to make time for work, play, school, the home, and personal time.
I don't want to be wishy-washy. I want to put my foot down and say "I'm going to do this." And do it.

^At least I'm going to start trying.^
And I could probably use any prayer that you want to send my way.
Anyway, now that my head is clear I'm going to prepare for a fun, relaxing night with Lixy. And shopping tomorrow! It's been too long and I've wanted to shop forever.
haha.. and hopefully if it's sunny tomorrow...

I can tan my white legs. Why did I have to be the white one in the family?? teehee!

Apr 6, 2010


I love my sisters. I know that each of us have some little or big complaints about eachother, but I think that without eachother, we'd be a miserable. Well... I know I would. heehee! Sisters are great!