Mar 31, 2008

Another baby!

I know this is really late... but I just wanted to say congratulations to Mike and Joanie and their little baby. I forgot the name, so sorry! So many babies are being born or were born in the last year, yay! I love babies, hehe! well yes, that is all I have to say for now.

Mar 29, 2008

For Mari

Just for you Mari-chan! besto friendos! haha!
ps. yes pretty dorky! and don't mind the blurry photos, it's a me and Mari thing. haha!

Mar 28, 2008

New Roomie

Oh yes I just had to say that I have a new roomie! ahhh! Yes... it's my little sister Annie. My little older sis Cha, decided that she didn't want me in her room anymore and gave me the boot.
:( so sad eh??And Mr. Joey Hirasawa is my replacement. haha... I haven't done school in a really long time! last time I did was... Monday! yaay! ahha! oh and it was sweet Ivan's 16th birthday! I made a bunch of cookies for him that he didn't eat! gosh!! haha... and I rode to Lovehut on freeday. yuuup, getting lot's of exercise! heehee! well alot has been happening these days I don't really know what to say. But there was a Noda gathering on Wednesday, was good. Barely took any photos... like always! My bad... well I'll post some when I put them on the comp! so... stay tuned? =)

Mar 19, 2008

Random faces

I am reaaally tired for some reason! ahhh!! I think I shall head to the bed soon. But FIRST... I need to post some photos! Well here's photos of just some random faces... kinda hard to explain.. but everyone was calling eachother's names with the camera in their hand! and i guess these are the pics! hehe!

Mar 15, 2008

Spring BREAK!!!

Well my school is giving me a week of NO SCHOOL! Yayyy!! Well….I still have to do school according to my mumsie…. But I have no pressure of finishing it all in one day! Yatta! Who is happy for me? Ahha! Anyway… yesterday the carpet job went to…. 2:40 a.m. or something! But I got a nice sleep in so I’m all good! Heehee! Oh yes I have been doing a lot of things these days. Went to the theatre with Sharon and Cherish and watched “Jumper.” I liked it! Yeah then Cha and I stayed at their home for the night and day. Ate lot’s of ice-cream! Jummy! Haha! And last free day Mari and Ivan came over and we watched Step up 2 and the Darjeeling Brothers or however you spell that! Haha! I just have to say, Channing Tatum is soooo sexy and is such a rock’n dancer! Whoohoo! Haha! That movie made me want to dance my heart out, especially in front of Mika! Because Mika is such an inspiration! I love you! :p on Tuesday everyone, (Mika, Greg, Joe, Cha, Mari, Ivan, and I) went to McDonalds and ate a bunch of food! Well actually I ate a Kentucky twister! The BEST! Now I think I will stop eating so much and make myself useful and make cookies for Kento’s birthday. yes? yeaaah.

Mar 9, 2008

I Sad...

I want to cry....

Mar 7, 2008

The Reason....

And the reason is you..... haha! well I was given the permission to explain why I made this ugly blog.. yup! I bet alot of people already know now, because some people have been very naughty and spilled the beans! but yeah, if you don't know here's a shocker for you, I told Cha ages ago the day she got pregnant is the day I would make a blog... well... CHA IS PREGNANT! Yes that is why the name is "unknown babe"--Cha was the one who gave me that name-- and that is why there is a baby pee-ing on my blog! yeaaaaaah well I bet you're thinking she's kinda young, because I am thinking that!!! I can't really see Cha having a belly, but I guess the days when Cha was smaller than me are over! He-he-he! like oh my goodness! She's even at the midwife right now! ahhaha... well yeah that's the news! Oh yes I'm going to be an Auntie! And my parents are gonna be grandparents... and my grandparents are gonna be great grandparents... and my GREAT Grandma is gonna be a great GREAT grandma! (she's 102 years old btw! wowie eh??) ahhahah I just had to add that! Anyway Cha is... 4 months now I think! well yes... that's all I have to say about that! everyone have a good week! Cause I know I will.... I don't know why but I just have that feeling! Oh oh maybe it's because I'm going to eat the apple cake I made while going to see my love! hahah!.... ehem!
Hopefully her baby will be as cute as these little things!!!!

Mar 6, 2008

I'm HAPPY!! yes I am!

Well you see... there was a Holy Ghost Sample last Sunday and it was fun! Hehe! Yoyogi has a BUNCH of foreigners but they weren’t really that sexy! Ahaha! Too bad…. Well my first partners were Jewel, Kaori, and Shiro! Yup, we also got to enjoy watching these weirdos dance with froggy hats and sunglasses! Omg they were sooooo annoying! Haha! Then lunch break came and Nomi stole me, so I went witnessing with her and Anna! Sorry I barely took any pics!! Can’t believe myself! Gosh… I did take a few with the two girls though! So I’ll just post a little of those! Hehe! Oh and I finally got to see all the Japanese Elvis Presley dudes again. Last time I came, which was AGES ago, they were there too! Haha they think they are the coolest. Oh yes and I also gave these free huggers… hugs! Yay! Yes yes I am so happy! I also got two souls with Nomi and Anna, sounds like nothing… but we worked SO hard for it! Ahahah!!

Oohh yes and on Monday, Manami and Kaz came over, stayed for the night! Tuesday we went out and stuffed ourselves! Haha I bought Manami her first Baskin Robins ice-cream… can’t believe she never tasted it! Well it was so oishii!! I could eat a bunch of those! Haha!
well here's the pics!

Mika... don't be mad! I was SO happy to see you! haha!
and that's your hand slapping Ken! ahahah sucha good photo!

Mar 1, 2008


A few weeks ago Joey was here, (the day before her b-day!) and we went out to get Cha a ring! Joe wanted to propose to her... so sweet right? well... I guess you could say they're engaged now! He proposed to her that night! Congrats to them both eh? haha! we went everywhere to get that little ring for her.. GOSH! well yes that was ages ago but I decided to just say it now! :P Oh and I am getting kicked out onto the street, because an ugly ma... oops... I mean a man is gonna kick me out of my room! AHHHH!! that's all I have to say... yes I'm boring! whaaatever!