Apr 23, 2008

A sweet post!!

Well, recently there's been lot's of shabi-dabi-dooby-doo songs playing. Just imagine when the baby comes, oh Lord!! haha! Cha is getting a bigger belly, yay! I'll take tons of photos as soon as I get the inspiration. hehe. Because I like pregnant mommies, and I like their tummies too! Ahhh my birthday is coming soon. I'm turning 30!!!! yup, believe it or not, I was actually a shepherd watching over you young ones. But the truth has been revealed. I shall now start acting my age.... :p! Ahh sorry for boring you, but I'm just really bored! or maybe it's cause I really don't like school but I'm doing it anyway. Ooor how about.... nevermind.

Oh yes I wanted to post photos for the Love huttians. Such good, OLD days! and just letting you know, when I was nine years old, omg I was SO dork! maybe it's cause I was, "len len be!" hahah! these photos make me laugh so much, remembering all those funny times! I just had to post all of them!
You're probably what the heck we're doing... cause I don't know either.
(photo captions!!)--in the order they are put

photo 1:aww you always were a little man
photo 2: Greg and Ivan, still best friendos
photo 3: uhh.. Mari touching the pig
photo 4: Isamu touching the pig
photo 5: ?
photo 6: aww the days when we all used to play road hockey
photo 7: it was a pig race... Sam was the pig race champion
photo 8: see what I'm talking about? dork!!
photo 9: Look at mari's face--hahah!
photo 10: whoaa....
photo 11: just decided to be scary right then and there
photo 12: little chums
photo 13: ok don't look
photo 14: the days when Mika actually played
photo 15: yeah, stinky!

Apr 17, 2008

My sweet brother

Oooor not so sweet, but he wanted me to take pics of him being sexy! whatta weirdo! haha, but don't you just love his hair? :p oh yeah and this is when he had a goatee, but now, it is gone!

OH yes I also want to say.... Welcome to Japan Grandma and Grandpa, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA aaaaand Akari!!

I love you Akari, I love you I love you I love you! hehe! Hope you have a great b-day and some chilled party! I miss you a LOT, can't wait to see you again. Don't be feeling old or anything, I think 16 is great! It's also the age, THE age! ahha! love u!

Apr 12, 2008


Well Mari and I were chilling on Tuesday and started playing speed. Yup, well Mari is the champion for now! haha, I am really slow. :( But guess what?? I beat Mari TWICE! haha! Every one of us lost we had to get a pic taken of us. (all of Mari's idea) and mari forced me to put these pics on my blog. tsk tsk. haha. And besides... I have nothig to post about these days. I can't believe I lost so many times. Gosh! haha, and if you notice, all the photos of ME are blurry. Yes, Mari is a bad photographer! hehe! oh yeah the pic with me AND Mari was the last game, we had a tie! it was so funny! ahahha!

While I was on the comp doing my own stuff, my Dad went into my room and found my camera on the floor. SO SNEAKY! I found these pics on my camera!

Apr 7, 2008


Sakura is oh so pretty! I didn't take any pics of it, but if you're Japanese you'll definately know it's a beaut! I caught a falling petal, made a wish, and blew into the air. Supposedly if you catch a petal falling you can make a wish. Anyway, taking walks with Nins through parks with sakura trees was great. "I'm lovin it!"-- hahahah! <--Sorry... only a few people will get that. We had a little barbeque under our sweet little sakura trees, if you wanna see a couple of photos just go to cha's blog. But the food was so yum. I'm so sad this sakura season is ending, sniff*

Apr 4, 2008

Told you so

yeaah I said I would post the very few photos I took from the Noda gathering, and here I am! yay! haha... there's not many so I'm posting some of when we went to karaoke. "We" would be Angie, Mari, Ivan, Tsubs, Sam, Greg, Jun, and I. It was fun, and there were some good singing too.
The highlight of this week... um.... Joe moved in. Nins stayed for about two nights, and Cha is at the midwife's for a checkup right now. Her belly is getting biggER, but she doesn't let me touch it. ack! tsk tsk. hehe!