Jan 10, 2010

Sayonara :(

Today is a very sad day. My camera died. Yes... my sweet, kind, brave, tough, little camera is broken. Now I don't know how I will ever replace it. It survived being splashed with water, being dropped too many times, being in the hands of a baby, and apparently being soaked in lime. And now, after taking its' last footage of Jason it just.. died. I'm trying to see if I can fix it, but I don't have much hopes for it. *sob* How am I ever going to post random videos and pictures of my life? Well my blog might as well say goodbye to that.

I'm also supposed to be seeing the markhamians tomorrow, but I found out they were sick with the fever today.
I'm praying for you guys!! It's probably sadder than my camera, but I'm looking on the bright side and saying that I'll see you again. So I'll be seeing you. ;) Oh, and have fun in Texas Lainz and Andre. ;)

Well anyhow... since I'm going to be home alone with my little brothers and Greg, I'll have to take the roll of snow white and take care of them. hehe. Or should I become a task master and make them cook for me, clean, and get me things? muaha-ha!

Oh and listen to this song, this Brandon Heath guy is just the coolest. Love you all.

4 commentos:

kengo said...

I thought you were really into Brian Litrell. Kenneth Nixon Lainy. He'll cheer you up even when its rainy ;). listen to Grandpa's oldie goldies eh? Ahahaha.

Nina said...

aww honey! I'm sad with you! no more pics for me! :(. I'll pray for your new camera! hehee!

Chacha said...

you were really mad.
I was scared.

Elena said...

I WAS pretty mad, I mean GOSH!!! My camera is what makes the life of this blog interesting! hahaha I'll live though.