Oct 2, 2009

It's October!

October 2nd and it already feels like Japanese winter. I think I must get ready to hibernate soon--like this bear. lol I love it!

I hate waking up in the winter, I just want to stay in my snuggly bed all morning. But life doesn't work that way does it? I've been thinking these days, and alot of things I thought I had planned out for my life perfectly, doesn't seem so perfect anymore. Time changes things, people, once upon a time promises, and people's mindsets. Sometimes I just wish I could go into hibernation like the bear, when the cold winter comes... I can just sleep through it all. Get the drift?

Well for now, I'm determined to be the best little daisy I can. Feel free to sing with me. haha... besides... the sun is always shining.

btw, the trees are all getting orange, red, and yellow, and it's quite the sight. You're all missing out! nyaha!

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