Sep 14, 2009


Tadan nothing...gosh... I've been so lazy on my blog these days. But it doesn't seem that anybody will miss me anyway, cause most of the ppl that read my blog and COMMENT are in Japan at the FDTP, or are busy working and moving into a new home. ..Mari... Mika... AHEM! Buuut I'm gonna update for heck's sake. I've been kindaaa busy. More busy than I used to be here in Canada. haha! I'm gonna be going to Markham home for the Christmas season if all goes as planned! woopie! Sooo to make up for not being here with my family for Christmas to sing and dance, I'm making the kids a dance. It's been really tiring teaching wild kids who don't want to dance. I'm sure almost anybody knows that feeling. And I'm already tired on the first day.uh oh! I don't have any school right now, I'm just waiting for the cd's to come in. *sigh* Nothing like the first day of school eh? Catching up on everything you've forgotten for the past three months. What do you think if I went to highschool next year? Don't bother answering that one.
Oh and Greg bought a new car, yatta!

Also I want to shout out a quick Happy Birthday to a hot, cute, sweet, lovely, fun, and awesome Ana! Can't wait to be your roomie. heehee! love you sooooso much!

5 commentos:

The Wump said...

We were on stilts waiting for your answer, I'm so happy you're coming.

(Just give Greg a small slap on the backside for ruining our plans for HIM!)

Love you--xxx

The Wump said...

We were on stilts waiting for your answer, I'm so happy you're coming.

(Just give Greg a small slap on the backside for ruining our plans for HIM!)

Love you--xxx

Anonymous said...

kawaii ne

mika said...

yeah yeah, you guys are never on these days, so don't blame me, when my internet actually decides to work you are never on! anywayy hope you have fun in whatever ur planning, luv you

Elena said...

Yesss I'm glad too Lainy! I really can't wait, especially to hear your voice! ;)
I'll be sure to give Greg that slap. hehe! love you!
and Mika... I blame you!