Sep 7, 2009

50!!! prime age ;)

Happy Birthday to the most wonderful Mommy in my whole world!
You mean so much to me mom! Without you I would be nothing. I love everything about you, your crazy and foolish spirit, your funny hats, your Japanese accent that we can always tease you about (without you getting too angry), your loving heart, your funny made up songs (ton ton harirara... you know what I mean), and everything else I love about you.
I admire you so much--especially these last four years. I can't even imagine how you felt losing ojichan and obachan. Those times were so hard yet you made it through, still managing to be the funny and caring mom that you are. You definitely have ojichan's firmness and perseverence and obachan's gentle heart. Thank you for always being there for me, making me laugh when I'm angry or sad, I really am thankful for you. I hope this 50th year of yours will have many dreams and goals come true. (and I will try to help you accomplish them.) I love you so much Mom! Keep holding on, and try not to be so stressed on your birthday.

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