Aug 23, 2009

To the big and only older brother

Happy birthday Mister G!!

You're my bestest "older" brother! ahah!! You always know how to make me laugh, even though at times you annoy the hell outta me. heh... just kidding. You're my partner in crime who always has my back. (whoa that sounds like we're such bad kids. nyaha) You're the gentle giant--who, sometimes, doesn't know his own bigness and strength. But I always forgive you so don't worry about it. You're not protective over his little sister and (these are greg's words) "let you (me) be free." It's great--it really is.
You share your beer with me and eat my stash of food when I have some. If I have a bag of chips, you can count on Greg's hand to be slowly making its way to the bag. pig! haha! You can also be sure to hear Greg's loud voice singing away on his guitar.
Well G, you're 18 now. Use the power wisely. ;) With great power comes great responsibility. haha! I pray your wishes will come true. Keep doing your thang!
love ya big brother!

A video of the typical greg.... heehee!
(Sorry it's sideways... I forgot I couldn't video that way. hehe, enjoy)

3 commentos:

Mari said...

I hope you will have the best year yet! wishing you the best!

Love you lots

Nina said...

Happy Birthday Greg!
Have a great year and do at least one crazy thing that only 18 year olds can do :p!!!

o.0.....not too crazy now. :D

ginny said...

haaaha love that video. lol
happy bday gregmonster