Jun 12, 2009

Pics from gathering

Thanks Chubs... I hope I'm not stealing!!!

Yes I'm such a weirdo... do forgive! Poor man, Cha keeps taking paparazzi photos of him for... Mika?

This man Oli was a good singer! uhuh!!
ze two beautiful ladies Ana and Natasha!! check out Anna's boobs.. whooohoo!!
aaand... Andre!

Uh yeah feeling a bit ug standing next to them! Gomna... they look so much better in person! hehe

What's so funny?? no idea

me and Jonny! hehe! He's trying to look all serious, but he's holding back a smile! hahahaha

I cut Greg's hair! yay! Lainey is a cutie!

Birthday party! awww Happy Birthday to Boo!
Peace! no war!!

7 commentos:

Nina said...

ooh was that the gathering you were talking about? Looks like it was fun. Karaoke datta?
Nice hair cutting El, maybe when i go over there, i'll ask you to do mine :p

Isamu T said...

you look better in person too =P

Elena said...

Nins!! when exactly are you coming over here eh? yeah they had a little karaoke machine! was fun! :D hehhe and I dunno if I can cut girl's hair. hehe!

to Isamu: I do??... sweet! but you never knoow... maybe I'm getting uglier in Canada! hahaha

Joan said...

awwww!!! I just wanna eat lainzy and andre up....

haha jonny!! tsk tsk

Anonymous said...


Elena said...

yeaah Lainy and and Andre deserted us after the cake and ice-cream! psh!
and Cha kept taking photos whenever Jonny was around.. so that's why there's SOOO many! CHA~! hahahah too good!

to anonymous: hey if you really loved me.... why didn't you come to Canada with me?? I'm like... so heart broken!!

lofty said...

yikes i look funny in the pic with me and el :D