Dec 27, 2009


And a late Merry Christmas!
I know I know, I've been a slacker. But all if forgiven because... I've been busy serving the Lord.
So I'm back with my family now, and reunited with my PO. Still visiting my grandparents though. I miss everybody in Markham. *sigh* I had a really, REALLY good time. Can't believe that those two months are already over. I'm gonna miss the love. BUT it's good to see my family. I had an awesome Christmas--and the food was just so good. I love food--especially sweets (I have the biggest sweet tooth). And the turkey was by far, the best turkey I've had in my life. It was sooo juicy and tender, unbelievable. It was also really good to see all the cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. hehe. Pictures will be coming later.
I was pretty disappointed about it not snowing though. I was dreaming of a white christmas, but when I woke up... it was raining. PTL! I'll just have to wait another year.

So here's a funny story about me and my Christmas presents:
The day I was going leave, Ana hands me a gift. I opened it to find a pair of high socks and... LEG WARMERS! Whoopi!! I love leg warmers! So my family picked me up and off we went to my grandparents'. When we arrived, my Grandma handed me a little box. It contained a pair of pink socks and... a nice pair of sparkley leg warmers. "000," I said, "The more the merrier." Then Cha goes, "oh no~" and hands me her present. I open it up to find, yes, two more pairs of leg warmers. But wait, there's more! My Mom starts laughing and Cha blurts out, "MOM! You better not have... I told you I had already bought leg warmers for her!" She continues laughing, so I open my present to find.... a pair of LEG WARMERS! Now I have a pair of leg warmers for each day of the week. I think I'll even give each one a name, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday....etc. lol. I'm very happy, so thank you everybody for the presents. I love youu!

Anyway, enough stupidness. Since I've been kind of distant from my friends and the world, I'm looking forward to do some catching up with you all. So I'd better find you on chat sometime, or else! I'll leave you with a picture from today at Niagra falls. I'll post more later, but this will have to do for now.

6 commentos:

kengo said...

Of course they can never compare with Japanese leggings. ne elena. mata chat shiyou. mecha tanoshikata.

Nina said...

ooh fun! I got leg warmers TOO!! hahah! Hi5!

Isamu T said...

merry christmas

Chacha said...

I got legwarmers too too! hahahaha.

Elena said...

unn tanoshikatta kengo-kun!
And I think leg warmers are the "in" thing this Christmas. woohoo!

and ISAMU! Merry Christmas..i can't believe you still look at my blog. heh, love you!

Isamu T said...

yes i and then, heh =P