He's growing up without me! I'm going to come home and he won't even remember me. :( I am trusting that his parents will be showing him pictures of "na-na" every single day so my face will be fresh in his memory. lol! Be good Jason, and I hope you miss me. muwahaha!
And of course, I miss my family too. I hope you guys are having tons of fun... without me. hehe. Love you guys!
And these fine-looking people are the ones I have the honour of singing with. :) Marieanne and Ana are my two lovely roommates. Or as my dad puts it, "sexy roommates!" Sexy indeed! Well sorry I'm not posting anything new, but hope you're happy with this. Love ya!
Nov 27, 2009
I miss him
Posted by Elena at 12:16:00 AM 3 commentos
Nov 19, 2009
We, with the help of Jonny Z. (teehee), made some ice-cream. I helped by playing the piano while they were shaking the can. Setting the mood ya know. The result wasn't too bad. Though some complained.. tsk tsk. After we finished up the homemade ice-cream, we all ate Ana's birthday ice-cream. It was goood. (I know, we're piggies) Thanks Ana!
Posted by Elena at 4:59:00 AM 6 commentos
Nov 16, 2009
You see, Ana and I have been quite lonely these days. Lainey, Andre, and Oli deserted us to go to D.C.! hehe! We've been missing them, buuuut we're having fun without them too. nyaha! We might have been going a little crazy though, laughing at nothing till we can't breathe. Right Ana? lol!
There's a lot of photos, so beware. It starts off with us being piggies and eating the cookies, then goes to show some of the people I'm living with. My roomie in our room--Marieanne; her son Devin and I; and the cool dude Brandon. Then...ahem... it's Ana and I...making our hair and putting on make-up. Primping for the night. Jonny came over and we watched some movies and went trigger happy with my camera. HEEHEE. Then it's us... making breakfast. Wow, too much information? Good, I can't be the only one with a fried brain right now. Love you all.
Posted by Elena at 12:52:00 PM 8 commentos
Nov 10, 2009
Had sushi with everybody here. OISHI!!! I'm sad I didn't take photos, but my belly was stuffed and I was a very happy piggy.
Just thought I'd add that.
Oh this is the first time eating sushi since coming to Canada. ;) Love you all.
Posted by Elena at 2:30:00 PM 0 commentos
The other Hirasawa
Dearest-est Nina!!
Happy Birthday. I know this is probably lame... but I just HAD to post this for you because.. well... I laaab youu! I miss you so much. I was looking through all these pictures, and they bring back so many good memories. Oh remember the piano and recording?? hahaha! I can't believe I deleted them. OH well. You've been an awesome friend, those late nights talking, throwing a football (wink). lol. There's soooo many memories I could name, and every time I write one thing, I start thinking of another memory. So I'll just say this, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NINA! I hope you have the best birthday ever. I pray this year is one full of new goals, love, laughter, and accomplishments. I hope your wishes come true. Love you so much."
Some photos that bring back good memories. Don't get mad at me for posting these hai? hehe.
Posted by Elena at 2:07:00 PM 2 commentos
Nov 6, 2009
To my bro-in-law
Awww guess whose birthday it is today?
Mister brother-in-law Joey.
Joe, ever since the first day I met you I thought you were a pretty cool dude. I even cried when you and Nina left. heheh
There have been times we didn't really get along...
And there have been foolish times...
And even though I always tease you about how tiny you are..(hehe)
Or how we have those freaky fights....
We were always happy in the end...
You're like my older little brother that I could look UP to...
A comedian that isn't ALWAYS funny...(hahahaha)
You make my sister happy and you're a good hubby and father,
So happy birthday to the 21 year old. Live it up, have lot's of tequila drinks (without me...sob), and stay that funny/weird man that you are. HAHA! Even though we have our sweet quarrels, I love ya J... say hi to your boss for me aye? hahah joke.
Posted by Elena at 12:24:00 AM 4 commentos