Mar 25, 2010


Happy Birthday to You!!
oh my gosh.... can't believe it was one year ago that we were all chilling out, spending our last days in Japan with you guys. I hope this year will be the best one yet! I'm sure you're having fun with kenken... of courseeee you would be having more fun if I was there. haha! I never thought I'd see the day when I said this but, I miss you! I miss busking with you, riding home while you and Greg sing at the top of your lungs, having our chillaxed walks, punching you, etc etc. Those were the bestest days.

(Can't forget beating you at My Heart Will Go On in karaoke. heehee)

You'd better come visit us like you promised. OR ELSE!

Don't be too busy working and die. I mean, I guess when I was there you were already pretty busy bothering me. Don't worry, I forgive you for all those times. I think.

I hope your wishes come true. If so maybe next time I see you you'll be way taller than me. HAHA! Kidding kidding. Miss you Ivy. Take care of yourself hai? Love you! xoxoxoox

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