Apr 12, 2008


Well Mari and I were chilling on Tuesday and started playing speed. Yup, well Mari is the champion for now! haha, I am really slow. :( But guess what?? I beat Mari TWICE! haha! Every one of us lost we had to get a pic taken of us. (all of Mari's idea) and mari forced me to put these pics on my blog. tsk tsk. haha. And besides... I have nothig to post about these days. I can't believe I lost so many times. Gosh! haha, and if you notice, all the photos of ME are blurry. Yes, Mari is a bad photographer! hehe! oh yeah the pic with me AND Mari was the last game, we had a tie! it was so funny! ahahha!

While I was on the comp doing my own stuff, my Dad went into my room and found my camera on the floor. SO SNEAKY! I found these pics on my camera!

2 commentos:

Mari said...

ahahha yeah that funny, you thot you were soooo good at speed! hahah! what are you talking about el, im the BEST photographer! ;) blurry is the style! eheh!

Elena said...

hahha Mari I was pretty good! gotta admit, you were so angry, that pic is really scary too! haha tanoshikata!