Mar 25, 2011


I'm supposed to be updating my blog...but I don't really have any words to say. I guess I'm pretty bummed that willy got the measles and now we're in quarantine, even more saddened about what happened to Japan. And I'm completely bored out of my mind.
But just so you know, my prayers are always going out for everyone in Japan. I hate that I'm not there. Things look so different when you're looking on the outside. But I'm thankful that everyone is safe so far.
I've been dormant in the blogging world. I guess I thought there was no point if there's facebook. Haha..but this is definitely more personal and I want my close friends and now faraway Cha to know that I love them. And THAT is why I am probably going to TRY to update from now on. Let them know what they're missing out on...heh. I won't make this post long, just know that from now on I will try to be faithful to this good ol blog.

peace out!

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