Apr 11, 2011

Bonfire Party Craziness

So last night I went to a bonfire party out in the woods! As we were drinking and having a good time, my friend Sarah loses her camera while she's "pee-ing!" So we start looking for it, and SOMEHOW she finds it. Crazy girl!
Anyway, so brilliant me decided to take my purse to a bonfire party in the woods...with a bunch of drunk guys. I feel naked without it, so it seemed pretty logical to take it! But as we were going to leave, I tried to find my purse where I last left it...and it was GONE! I was pretty angry with myself and whoever took it. Then Sarah loses her PHONE. She was pretty hammered. It was so dark, the ground was covered in dead leaves, and we couldn't see anywhere. To top it off, we were trying to find a taxi, and nobody could pick us up. So Me, Greg, and these two guys (Isaac and Paddy) decide to start walking home (without my bag). As we were trying to contact the taxi, Paddy is running around with an axe he found somewhere, going nuts! Isaac and Greg are holding eachother so they won't fall--was a pretty funny sight. We ended up calling my dad at 2:30 in the would have taken us about 2 hours to get home.
So the next morning the two boys drove me back to the spot where the party was so I could find my bag. As I thought, it wasn't there. Then I look over by some trees, and there was my wallet--with all my money in it! Relief! A couple ways away I find my camera...then my camera charger. Isaac and Paddy were making fun of me the whole time. Then on a big rock....there it was--MY BAG! Some drunk little boy must have chucked it! Ugh, so annoying. It felt like a treasure hunt! haha!
Well Paddy apparently found the back of his phone in the leaves, and there was also a bag with an ipod in it :P So as we started walking back to the car, Isaac sees something black under these leaves and starts going to kick it, until he realizes that it's a phone. Sarah's phone!! hahaha! was a happy ending and I wanted to tell you it. I think it was pretty funny. And it was fun so now that I have my bag I am happy. Anyway I have to go back to school tomorrow so I'm gonna sleep. Goodnight!

The boys...Isaac F, Austin, Paddy, and Gregmeister

Rebecca, Me, and Sarah!!

There's my bag before somebody threw it!!!