Mar 14, 2010

Some things I miss

Chu-his! I love them. I miss them. Enough said. *sob*

Onsens! Ahhhhhh! Cha reminded me of onsens and now I can't get them out of my mind. CHA!

OFURO MONKEYS! Well I can't say I miss them, but I just thought I'd let you all know that I love their ugliness. cuuute.

I miss seeing everybody there, looking forward to those good ol' Fridays. I miss waiting for Dan to pick us up and going to Trial and buying all the munchies we could afford. I loved loving cuties with Mika.

And of course, 7-eleven onigiris.

I miss going to out and seeing ppl dressed like this and thinking that that's normal.

I miss taking 5 min walk to Ones Mall to take purricurras, eating at Mac, etc.

Most of all I miss them.

3 commentos:

Anonymous said...

hahah! you know I'm like really good friends with the CUTIE group now ! hahah ! funny things do happen !
and all the ppl that were there when we started. (such as) shizuma, philapino boy, boxer, and all the other guys .....ALL QUITE!!! so now I'm like the top top! sob sob -Ivan

Mika said...

Oh my god car show was a pain in the ass! look at that gray and red carpet! look at it! and ivan you are not the top of the top! you are the lowest of the low, ahahaha yeah and ivan is now bffs with the cutie group and is always beating them up!

Elena said...

hahahaha IVAN! I was just getting good with the cuties before I left. *sob* why did everybody leave? I'm sad. Don't beat them up. GIve them my love k? hahahah!
Ivan boss-kun!