Oct 22, 2009

Can anybody say Chinese food??

Yesterday sweet sweet Mommy and Papsi took us all to a Chinese Buffet--the food was Heavenly.

Before you go on, here's a story for you about this place that took place a while ago. Remember those photos at the Chinese Buffet with the pretty lady in the red shirt? (That's you Tasha!! hehe) Well this is a different restaurant, we were orginally gonna go to this one. We had entered and had already sat down, gotten water, when some of us realized that the buffet selection was so small and the atmosphere wasn't really the bestest. Although I protested, we all got up and left the poor tiny place, and I was SO embarrassed. Since it was so tiny and quiet, everybody noticed us leave.
I was like, "This is so embarrassing, I don't think I could ever come back here."
So when I heard we were going to come back with my family, I kinda groaned inward. (I know... pretty lame--you wouldn't understand the embarrassment unless you were there)
But it was worth it! The food was SO tasty and delicious! I'm getting hungry just thinking of it.

Anyhow enjoy the photos of us stuffing ourselves.

The happy eaters!

Greg Got lucky with his fortune cookie and got a bunch. I told him to pick out his favorite...

Cha was very satisfied with hers and went to Joe and said, "So... what are you gonna give me this week?" And Jason... well... Jason's cookie was empty.

Cha found the waribashis (Disposable Chopsticks) and decided to swipe some in her shirt. And guess what? They were JAPANESE! Irashaimase!!

After everyone was stuffed (Jason had a huge belly) I looked over and there was my sister, eating more chicken.

It was GOOD food!

My fortune... what will happen this Friday ehhh??

Despite the solemn faces, we were very happy at the end.

This was my dessert...!

It is my time to hit the sack. I will definitely dream of eating the oishi food all over again. Goodnight!

P.S. Don't mind my very plain face.

7 commentos:

Nina said...

omg! that looks like such yummy food! Greg gets a whole stash of fortunes, i wonder which one will come true first? o.0

Chacha said...


yes, I can say it! does this mean i can go again?? :)
it was a very yummy place!

Unknown said...

haha maybe he can share one of his fortunes with you eh Nins??

And Cha... as long as you take me along you can go. :)

Natasha said...

haha..I remember when we went there...that was sooo funny..and you Elena were so embarrassed...did any workers give you the angry eye? I bet your parents were like told you so...about the food...hah. That was fun though.

angie said...

you Piggies!!!....I MISS YOU!!!

Elena said...

hahaha nooo thank god--no angry eyes! :P But yes, the parents were all like "Seeeee!!! tasty right?" haha yeah it was fun, miss you!

AND ANGIEE!! I miss you tooo!! :(

Mika said...

mari's singing a song for you right now "have fun with........" I'll let you fill in the rest.